IDIS E-learning

IDIS has set up an online course that covers all parts of the IDIS Total solution. This course has been developed for sales engineers, installers, project managers, system integrators and technical consultants who would like to learn more about the IDIS solutions.

The following systems are included in the course:

Each component is divided into a number of topics, the amount of topics depends on the chosen course. The average duration of one topic is approximately 12 minutes (minimum 3 minutes and maximum 30 minutes). You will receive explanations via a video and text. When all topics of the chosen course have been completed, a test can be made. The online course remembers which parts you have already gone through!

NOTE: For both DirectIP™ and DirectCX™ you have to complete the IDIS Center course too before the test can be made. IDIS Center has no test at the end.


You have passed a test if you score at least 75%. You will receive an online sub-certificate. When you have passed all parts you will receive the IDIS online certificate!

Start e-learning today! Request your login details for the IDIS online course via your account manager or contact us via +31 (0) 162 – 387 247.