Louwman & Parqui BV
Louwman & Parqui BV completely switched to IDIS DirectIP™ automotive distributor Toyota and Lexus [...]
Graphic Lyceum Utrecht
GLU is one of the safest schools in The Netherlands by implementing IDIS video [...]
Claudia Courtois2018-11-12T12:20:23+00:00
Claudia Courtois2017-09-27T11:45:19+00:00
AH Veldhoven
AH Veldhoven equipped with IDIS DirectIP™ thé most user-friendly observation and recordingsystem franchise stores [...]
Claudia Courtois2017-09-27T11:46:48+00:00
Crowne Plaza
Security & privacy guests assured by the installation of IDIS DirectIP™ as a complete solution [...]
Claudia Courtois2018-11-12T11:58:08+00:00
DAR Nijmegen
A modern recycling center equipped with IDIS monitoring About DAR …and it's fresh again! [...]
Claudia Courtois2018-11-12T11:42:26+00:00